Saturday, November 29, 2014

Fantasy Avatar Project

Original Photograph

          For my Fantasy Avatar, I started with a photograph I found online (I had hoped to use a photograph of my daughter, but did not have a good digital camera available).  I found out later that this is a photograph of a Hungarian actress.

        For the eyes, I followed the steps outlined in the Avatar Na’vi – Photoshop CS6 Tutorial, including feathering, moving the reference point, and increasing the size to 116% width & height.  The nose was flattened and elongated using the bloat and warp tools.  The color of the irises was changed by adjusting hue/saturation, brightness/contrast, and color balance.  Her skin color and texture, lips and sparkle effect were also achieved by using the guidelines in the tutorial.  For the markings on her skin I decided I did not want to utilize the same type of markings used in the tutorial, so I used a tattoo template, and modified it to remove extra components that weren’t needed.  I added the tattoo below her neck as a final touch as I thought the composition could use a bit more detail.  A photo of a rainforest was used in the background, with a dark vignette effect around the border.  I’m not entirely satisfied with the transition around her hair - and need to hone my skills in this area - but overall I am pleased with the result.
Final Image - Fantasy Avatar

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